Martha Ballard's Diary, July 7 - 11, 1801

7 3
Clear and very warm. I have been at home, mended Shirts. I finisht mending the 5th Since I began one yesterday. mrs Selvester, Hodges & Mills Dind here. Sally went to the Settlement with them. At home.  
8 4
Clear and very warm, a Shower at Evng. I rose Early, we Brewed, made a Chees and Sally Scoured my puter. I felt very feeble aftern, went out towards Evn and houghd Some which revived me. Son Ephm wounded his hand. At home, did hous work and houghd.  
9 5
Clear and warm. I have houghd my Cabages and helpt do hous work. Ephm here this fore nn. I planted a yellow eyed been on the rock. at home, Planted 1 Been.  
10 6
Clear. I have been at home. Old Ladys Mosier & Rheed here; we have Bakt apple, Cherry, Currant tarts, Custard, and wheat Bread. I gathered Peas. at home.  
11 7
Clear and very warm. I houghd in ye Gardn and Shelled peas till 11h morn when I was Sudendly alarmd with news that my Dagt Lambd, in attempting to Come and visit me, was thron from her hors with her dear infant, and much hurt. I imediately Sett out to go and See them, was overtaken by Doct Cony who was Calld to their relief. I found, on my arival, that my Dagt was not So much hurt as was feared; the infts head was very much Sweld. thee Doct Examened it and Bathd it with Camphr. he allso lett Blood and it revivd so that I left them and returnd home near night. find Doct Barton, Gill, Sons Pollard, Jona and their wivis and Childn, who with Son Lambard and Dolly Kymbal, took Tea with us. Blesed by the Great Author of Mercys that the lives of my Childn were Spared. at Son Lambds. A mercyfull preservation took place when in Emenent Danger.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.