Clear. mr Ballard Planted Corn & Potatoes. I Planted Cucumbers
and houghd peas. feel So unwell aftern I did not Sett up. Jonas
wife here near night, Shee is not very well. Sally
has done a Larg wash.
at home.
Clear. I have done hous work & some in the gardin, Sett Cabbage plants &C. mr Ballard, Wm Cypher & Cyrus planted Potatoes.
at home, wrote to Bror Jon an.
Clear. I have Cutt my sage and feaverfue. Sister Pollard, Dagt Ballard & Hitty Pierce took Tea with me. Ephm Came at Evng.
at home.
Clear. mrss Pollard went from here, mr Ballard Sett out for wiscasett. I have workt in my gardin, removd Cucumber, mandrake, Cabbage & Squash Plants, houghd part of my Beans &C.
at home.
Clear. I have been at home, wed 2 Beds Beats and helpt some about hous. Savage Bolton, his wife & youngest Child here. Doct Barton Came ys aftern and tarries ys night.
at home.
Clear. I have been at home. mr Ballard absent. Sons Jon an & Lambd with yr wives and part of yr Childn dind & took Tea with me. Luke Barton dind, his dady breakfasted and went home. Sister is gone to Gotian.
at home, had Compy of Childn.
Some rain. mr Forbs, his wife and Daugt Sleept
here. I have been at home, workt in gdn.
at home. mr Forbs here.
rainy part of ye day. I have workt in gardn,
Sett plants. mr Forbs left here for Gloster.
at home.
Cloudy and Some rain. I have Sett Cabbage Plants, feel falagued.
Sally spun some.
at home.
Cloudy part of the day. I have workt in my Gardin. Sally washt and went to help quillt a Bed quillt for Hannah Ballard. Lucy Shaw Came home with her, Sleeps here. mr Ballard returnd from Pownalboro.
at home. Lucy Shaw Sleeps here.