Martha Ballard's Diary, June 9 - 18, 1801

9 3
Clear. mr Ballard Planted Corn & Potatoes. I Planted Cucumbers and houghd peas. feel So unwell aftern I did not Sett up. Jonas wife here near night, Shee is not very well. Sally has done a Larg wash. at home.  
10 4
Clear. I have done hous work & some in the gardin, Sett Cabbage plants &C. mr Ballard, Wm Cypher & Cyrus planted Potatoes. at home, wrote to Bror Jon an
11 5
Clear. I have Cutt my sage and feaverfue. Sister Pollard, Dagt Ballard & Hitty Pierce took Tea with me. Ephm Came at Evng. at home.  
12 6
Clear. mrss Pollard went from here, mr Ballard Sett out for wiscasett. I have workt in my gardin, removd Cucumber, mandrake, Cabbage & Squash Plants, houghd part of my Beans &C. at home.  
13 7
Clear. I have been at home, wed 2 Beds Beats and helpt some about hous. Savage Bolton, his wife & youngest Child here. Doct Barton Came ys aftern and tarries ys night. at home.  
14 1
Clear. I have been at home. mr Ballard absent. Sons Jon an & Lambd with yr wives and part of yr Childn dind & took Tea with me. Luke Barton dind, his dady breakfasted and went home. Sister is gone to Gotian. at home, had Compy of Childn.  
15 2
Some rain. mr Forbs, his wife and Daugt Sleept here. I have been at home, workt in gdn. at home. mr Forbs here.  
16 3
rainy part of ye day. I have workt in gardn, Sett plants. mr Forbs left here for Gloster. at home.  
17 4
Cloudy and Some rain. I have Sett Cabbage Plants, feel falagued. Sally spun some. at home.  
18 5
Cloudy part of the day. I have workt in my Gardin. Sally washt and went to help quillt a Bed quillt for Hannah Ballard. Lucy Shaw Came home with her, Sleeps here. mr Ballard returnd from Pownalboro. at home. Lucy Shaw Sleeps here.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.