Cloudy and rain at night. the Doct Came [and Drest] the patient, he allso [ ] soar on the throat of a Child [ ] mr Robbins of Varsalboro. mr Hail from Keratunk took Breakfast with us.
at home. Robbins is as well as Can be Expected.
A very rainy day. I have finisht kniting the Seventh pair of mitts.
I began the first Decr 24th 1798.
at home.
Clear and windy. Sally & I tarried from worship. Shee went
to Singing at Evn, returnd at 10h 30m. I was Calld at 11h Evn to
mr Roland Smiths, his wife unwell. I went to bed and had Some
at [Roland] Smiths. Son & Dagt Lambard, his
Brother & [ ] here at Evn.
X. Birth Roland Smiths Dagt. XX.
Clear. I was at mr Smiths till Evn when I was Calld to Capt Littlefields, walkt and was much fatagud. was Calld from there to mrss Smith again, and Shee was Safe Deld at 10h of her first Dagt and 3d Child and is Cleverly. I tarried there all night, had the Cramp. mrss Cleark & Meloy tarried allso.
at mr Smiths & [Littlefields]. Birth [4th].recd 15/ [of] mr Smith June 17, '99.
Cloudy. I Came home at 7h morn, left my Patients Cleverly. mr Smith
is gone to Varsalboro for Sally Brown to Nurs his wife. I
find Eliphalet as well as Can be Expected.
at mr Smiths.
Clear. I have been at home till Evn when Calld to Capt
Littlefields again, find his Lady not very well. I was there
all night, Slept with the patient. Shee had but little rest.
at Capt Littlefields. mrs [Dickman] Deld by [Doct]
Cony, mrs Churchs by mrs Mosier.
Clear. I was with my Patient all Day and night. Shee had rest this
at [Ditoes].
Clear. I took Breakfast and left the Patient at work,
and Cleverly, and returnd home at 9h m. Doct Cony Came and drest
Etiphalet foren. he and Lady and youngest Dagt Spent
part of ye aftern & Evn with us.
at Ditoes. Doct Cony and Lady here, Sally to Singing
[at] Evng.
Cloudy. I have been at home, do not feel so well as usual.