Martha Ballard's Diary, September 4 - 8, 1797

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Clear Except a Shower in the foren. I finisht my Self a Tow Shift and went to See mrss Dingley, find her tolerable well. mr Ballard been to Son Jonas. Cyrus & Hoit Cutt Stalks. at mr Dingleys.  
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Birth Andrew Goodins first X Dagt by his prest wife XX.
Clear Except Some ligt Showers. I was Calld at 3h morn to go to See the wife of Andrew Goodin who is in Labour. I arivd there at 4. Shee was Safe Deld at 12 & 40m of a fine Dagt. I left her and inft Cleverly at 4h pm. mr Goodin bestowd 12/ as a reward. I find mr Ballard is gone to Dresden. Hepsy has been washing. EbenZ Haild Esqr Sleeps here ys night. at mr Andw Goodins. Birth 44th. recd 12/ as a reward.  
6 4
Clear part of the Day, Some Showers. mr Ballard at ye hook foren Surveying for mr Isaac Cleark. we attended a Lecture aftern. the association met at the revd mr Stones Lodgings. mr Ballard and I at mr Theops Hamlins after meeting. at Lecture & at mr Hamlins. a rain Bow in thewest at 9 hour ys Evng.  
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Cloudy and Some rain aftern. mr Ballard Sett out for to Survey for mr Reubin Fairfield. I went to the hook as far as Capt Neys. I receivd 6/ of his Lady in part for assisting her march 9th, 1796. I Calld at a number of the Neighrs. at Capt Neys and other Neighbours.  
8 6
Cloudy part of the Day, Some Shours. I have been working on a Shift for my Self and Spooling a warp for Dagt Lambart. Thankful finisht weaving her web, 33 yds. at home, spoold a warp.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.