Martha Ballard's Diary, August 15 - 20, 1797

[15] 3
Clear. I have been at home. we roasted a Pigg which was Butcherd yesterday. Dagt Lambart Dind with us. mrss Page & Dagt Calld here. mr Ballard Paid my Dagt for all the work Shee had done for him to this day. we lost a Swine this day. at home. Dagt Lambart Dind with me. I let her have [8 lb] Chees for milk.  
[16] 4
Clear. mr Ballard Sett out to go to mont Vernon to Survey. I have been doing house work. mrss Dingly here. Hepsy Brown Came here to work for me. I paid her 12/ advance mony in Cash. A home.  
[17] 5
Clear and warm. I was Calld to See mrss Gill at 9h morn, find her very unwell. Shee Calld her women at 7 Evn, Shee Continued unwell all night. young mrs Brooks went home at Evn. at mr Gills, his wife unwell.  
[18] 6
X. [Birth Charls Gills Dagt]. XX.
Clear. my patient Seemed very feeble. the force of her illness Came on at noon and Shee was Deld at 1h 30m pm of her first dagt and 4th Child. I left her and inft as well as Could be Expected at 7h Evn and returnd home, find mr Ballard very unwill. I applied Burdoc leavs & rhum warm to his neck and Sholders. Son Town Sleeps here. at Ditoes. Birth 39th. Son Town Sleepshere. receivd 12/ in Cash and Butter Jany 19 & 20th.1798.  
[19] 7
Clear. I have been doing house work. Thankfull and Hepsy went to help my Dagt Lambart quillt this aftern. mr Ballard is Some better. at home.  
[20] A
X. [Birth Danl Robys Son]. XX.
Clear. I attended at worship, was Calld at the Close of ye Sermon by mr Roby to See his wife, who was in Labour. Shee was Deld Soon after I arivd of a Son. I returnd home after Sun Sett. Son Jona here. at Meeting & at Robys. Birth 40th. fee receivd march 6th, 98.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.