Martha Ballard's Diary, June 10 - 12, 1797

10 7
Clear and warm. mr Ballard and Hoiet went to the Bolton place to work. I had Done my morning work and at 8h went to Cut Clover for my Swine when I, by Some means, misplased a Bone in the great toe of my right Foot. I soon became So lamb I Could not walk. at that Critical moment, Son Lambart Came in. he assisted me to get to my Bed where I remaind till he Calld Doct Page to my assistance, who rectified the misplaced bone and I was able to walk into the other room. I paid the Doct 3/ and went about my work. have wound 16 Skeins of Cottne yn on quills. mr Ballard informs me that Son Jona is very ill with a Soar on his face. at home. I put a Bone [out] in my foot. Sent for Doct Page who Sett it and I Could walk.  
11 A
X. Birth mr Carters Second Child and Dagt. it was Born alive. XX.
Clear. I was Calld on at 9h morn to go to Savage Boltons by Isaac Cowen, met a mesage for me to go to mrss Carter. I went and Deld her of a Dagt which was alive at 40 after noon. I then went on for Boltons, had two falls from my hors, lambd my hand and Brused my face, but wint on. find mrss Bolton not very Sick. they Conducted mrss Mosier from Jona Wemans, Shee arivd Soon after me, at mrss Boltons request, we both tarried all night. my hand was in much pain thro the night. at mr Carters. Birth 28th. from there to Savage Boltons; misplasd a Bone in my left hand by a fall fm my Hors. receivd 15/ as a reward July 5th
12 2
Clear. I left mrss Bolton by her Consent in the Care of mrss Mosier who Seemd fond of tarrying. Calld on various Places and arivd before [noon]. mr Ballard and Hoit are at work. at Son Jonas, he is got Cleverly again. Dagt Pollard Seems not very Strong. Polly Bulerfield Came here last Evng. Esqr Wesson of Canaan Sleeps here. my hand pains me much. at Boltons & [Carters]. at Son Jonas, Pollards, Lambarls, Carters, Colmans, mr Wessons, Baxters and Densmores.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.