Martha Ballard's Diary, November 14 - 18, 1795

14 7
Clear and pleast. I have been at home, workt about house. mr Greely here at night with his oxen. he has paid me for him Self and oxen, Cash 9/, and brot me 1 Galn molases and 1 lb Coffee. at home. paid Sarah Neall for all the work Shee had Done here.  
15 D
X. Birth Theops Hamlins 2nt Son & 4th Child. XX.
Clear, Cold morn and very pleast Day. I was Calld to See mrs Hamlin, arivd there at 6h morn. Shee was Safe Deld at 9 of a fine Son which wd 10 lb and 1/4. Shee was very ill and had a Spell of being insensable after Delivery, but revivd and Seems Comfortable. I went to meeting after nn. Calld to See Dagt Pollard, find her Complaining of ye head aick. mr Ballard and men returnd from Surveying, they were assaulted when a Sleep last Thursday night, in the wilderness, by men they knew not who robd him of his papers and instruments. they Demanded them of him with a muskit presented at his breast. may we Ever praise God for his Goodness in preserving him and his assistants from hurt in person. at mr Hamlins. Birth 43. receivd 12/ as a reward. mr Ballard returnd from Surveying, has been robd of his Compas and papirs. This is the 600th Birth at which I have attinded Since I Came to this Eastern Clime.  
16 2
Clear and pleasant. mr Greely brot me two Shillings worth of Tea which he owed for Boarding last weak. I went to See mrs Dingley, Shee and her Child are unwell with a Coald. mr Jonah Crosby Dind here. mr Ballard been to Esqr Coneys and to the fort. at mr Dingleys. we were informd that Joseph Webber of Varsalboro is Drowned.  
17 3
Clear and pleasant. mr Ballard went to ye fort. I have been fixing meat for pies, Sally been Cleaning house. at home.  
18 4
Clear and very pleasant. I was Calld to See mrss Hamlin who has a very ill turn. Shee was attended with feavor and Delarious. I Sett with her the most of the night. Shee had rest ye latter part. at mr Hamlins, his wife very Sick.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.