Martha Ballard's Diary, May 7 - 12, 1794

7 4
Cloudy, raind at night. mr Wad Calld me to See his wife who had an ill turn. I Sett up with her ys night. mrs Hodgis Dagt & Polly Pollard, Polly Page & Sally Williams were here. my Dagt had two webs warpt. at mr Waids. Dagt Pollard here.  
8 5
Cloudy foren. I walkt home, left mrs Waid more Comfortable. mr Arthur Densmore Sowd flax & wheat for us. Sally Williams made me a Bunit. mrs Livirmore & Polly & Phebe Hinkley here. Son Town Sleeps here, his famely are well. at mr Waids. we had Company. mrs Livermore, Son Town here.  
9 6
A frost ys morn, Clear Day. Son Town went to Pittstn, returnd & Sett out for home. he Sowd 1/2 Bushl wheat for us. Betsy Voce & Polly mc Master & Old mr Hinkley took Tea here. mr Carlton workt here, Came about 10h morn. at home. Son Town went from here. Betsy Voce here.  
10 7
Cloudy & Some rain. I have Planted Some Cucumbers in my Gardin & Done other matters there. I have been at home. at home. Old mr Hamlin arivd here from Oxford.  
11 E
A Shoury Day, Thunder at Evng. Dolly & Sally wrode to mr Pollards, they inform me that Old mr Hamlin & a Son & Daugt are arivd yesterday, lately, from Oxford. at home. Dolly & Sally went to mr Pollards.  
12 2
rain ys morn, Clear Part of ye Day. mr Hodges Calld me to See his Dagt Fanny who is Labouring under ye indisposition of a Brokin Limb. I find her very restless. Doct Cony there. at mr Hodges to See his Child.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.