Martha Ballard's Diary, August 16 - 20, 1792

16 5
Clear part of ye Day. my Girls washt. Hannah had a Severe fitt of ye tooth aik. Dolly & Sally here. I have been at home, Do not feel So well as I Could wish. Lucy Petty went to mr Densmores. mr Ballard returnd from Pittstn at noon, went to mr Ingerhams aftn; Lett his meddow grass to him to Cutt to ye halvs. at home. Dolly receivd a letter from her Sister Town, they are well. mr Burtun removd to mr Crags Store.  
17 6
Clear. Ephm & Polly went to School, mr Ballard to mr Savages. Hannah is makeing Lucy a hatt. I was Calld to See mrs Savage, tarried all night. O the flees. at mr Savages.  
18 7
Clear & very warm. I tarried at mr Savages till near night, then walkt home. Calld at mr Burtuns & Drank Tea. find mr Pitt & his Bror here. receivd a line from Brr Collins of 7th inst; all well. at Does. receivd a Letter fmBr Collins of 7th inst
19 G
Clear & very warm. Mr Ballard & I & Ephm allended worship. my Son Cyrus & my Dagts, mr Pitt & my Niece in Ye aftern. mr Smith Discoarst from Mic 6:8, forn, 1st Peter 2nt 21st. my Dagts & Niece & mr Pitt went to my Sons after the Exercise was over and walkt home at Evn. at meeting.  
20 2
X. Birth Benn Petengails Dagt. XX.
Clear morn, Cloudy aftn. I was Calld by mr Benn Petingail (at 5 ys morn) to See his Lady who is in Labour, & was Safe Delivd at 9h Evn off a fine Dagt, her fifth Child her & 3d Dagt. her last before was 10 years old last march. I tarried all night, my Patient was Exercisd with Faintness for Some time, but revivd & had rest. at mr Petengails. Birth 29th. James Cowens wife fell from her hors & hurt her much; is at mr Thomass

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.