Clear & very pleast. I have been at home, Cyrus here.
mr Ebenz Davis of Charltn, & Hains
Learned Sleeps here. mr Davis informs yt Sist Barton
got to Bed with a Dagt
(Son) before he left Oxford.
at home. Ebenz Davis & H. Learned
Sleep here.
Clear & very pleast. mr Learned left here after Breakfast
homewd Bound. mr Davis aft Dinner by whome I wrote to Bror
Collins, Elijah Barton & Sist Waters.
mr Ballard went to thee hook Twice ys Day. Phebe
Hinkley here at even. my Girls Washt and piecing Bed quillts.
they went to mr Burtuns attended by Moses Pollard. it raind Soon
after they left home.
at home. mr Davis left here. I wrote
to my friends. my girls went to mr Burtuns. mrs Barton Came
here this night.
Cloudy & Some rain. we put a Bed Quillt into the fraim. I went
to See mrs Densmore aftern, Shee is not so well as
usual. Jack Livermore Cutt his ankle, took a piece of Bone off.
my girls Bakt Cakes & Pies.
at mr Densmores.
Clear. mr Ballard Surveyd for Capt Ney. my Girls had a quillting, got out one & partly quillted an other. thee Gent men & Ladies Daunced in ye Evn. Polly Bisbee tarried all night.
at home, we had a Quillting.
Birth mr Densmores Dagt.
Cloudy part of ye Day. mr Densmr Calld me Early ys morn to See his wife. Shee was Safe Deld of a Dagt at 3 h pm & I returnd home at Sun Sett. I have been very unwell.
at mr Densmores. Birth 25.
Cloudy. mr Ballard gone to Pitts town. we put a Bed quillt into the Fraim & my Self, mrs Barton & my three girls got it out an hour before Sun Sett. I went to mr Densmores, Came home & finisht Cyruss Stockins.
at mr Densmores, Drest her infant.
Cloudy. mr Ballard gone to winthrop, mrs Barton to Pitts town, Ephm
to take the hors back. I went to mr Densmores, gave
the inft manna.
at Ditoes. I waighd the
wool I had of mrs Badcok, wt 2 lb 11 oz.