Cloudy & rain. I was at Capt Herseys. mrs Savage & Cowen went home at Evng, mrs Voce and I tarried all night.
at Capt Herseys.
Clear & very pleast till near night when there arose
a Squall of wind & Snow. mrs Voce & I tarried ys
night. mrs Hersey rested very well.
at Dittoes.
Clear & Cool. Capt Hersey Conducted mrs Voce &
I home. we left his Lady about house. I find my famely as well
as usual. Josiah Ketth informd me yt mrs Peirce Expird
this morn. mr Ballard is gone to ye hook to a
meeting of ye proprietors at unity. Parthena returnd
from mr Foots, informs me Fredricks infant has had fitts &
yt Polly Bisbee is much Better. it Snowd be fore night.
at Ditoes. mrs Peirce Expird ys
morn at 6h 30m.
Clear & very pleast. Jon a went to ye hook,
Dolly to mr Blaks. Ephm with his Teem attempted going
onto ye Crick to Load Some Boards which belongd
to mr Hamlin. his Steers Broke thro the thee ice
& we had a very great surprise. mrs Welch, mr Cragg &
wing Came to our assistance. we relievd the teem and they were
all Savd, but what I under went with my fatague was very Severe.
Hannah and Parthena went to mr Blaks aftr Dinner. I went to
mr Savages, find them Comfortable. Ephm Cowen here
for things for Capt Savages Lady.
at mr Savages. mrs Pierce interd at
4 h pm. Epms Oxen had like to have Drowned.