Cloudy, raind at Evng. I have been at home. helpt
Cutt up & take Care of the beef, and knitt Some. we
brot 26 Cabbages into the Seller from before ye Door;
got Beets & Carrots in allso. Hadlock was Executed this
at home. Hadlock Executed. John Trask Expird.
Clear & pleasnt. I have been at home, not So well
as I Could wish. mrs Woodwd Drank Tea here.
at home.
Clear & pleast. mrs Hannah Woodwd and Clarrissa Barton
here. I went to See mrs Burtun. mrs Shaw & Dagt
returnd from ye westwd. John Trask interd.
at mr Burtuns.
Clear & pleast. I attended worship aftn. mr Jones & two men Sleep here this night.
at meeting. mr Jones Came here.
Clear foren, Cloudy aftn. mr Jones left here
aftr Dinner. his men waited for ye tide
to take out Boards which he had here. mr Williams informs me
yt Taylors House fell Down this morn, but thro Good Providence
no one receivd any hurt. the famely were removd to the
house where mr Cottle livd. Polly was Brot in her Bed on a Sled.
we gott Cabbages into the Seller, have 50 heads.
at home. mr Jones left here. raind
this night.
Clear. I have been at home, helpt the Childn git in 58
Cabbages from before our Doore. have knit Some. mr Brown dind
with me.
at home.
Cloudy. I have been at home knitting. Hannah & Dolly went to
help quillt a Bed quilt for mrs Burges. they got it out and returnd
home late in ye Evng.
at home.