Martha Ballard's Diary, March 29 - April 5, 1790

29 2
Clear. at mr Craggs. Shee lingers. mrs Braly Deld of a Dagt. at Dittoes.  
30 3
Clear. mrs Cragg had her women; her travil Comes on gradually. I was Calld to Andw Goodwins, his wife in Labour. was Calld to Craggs again at mid night. at Detoes & mr Goodwins.  
31 4
X Birth. mr Craggs Dagt. X
mrs Craggs illness increast and Shee was Safe Delivrd of a very fine Dagt at 2h 30 m pm. I left her as well as Could be Expected & returnd to mr Goodwins at Evng. receivd 6/8 of mr Cragg. I was very much fatagud but had time to rest. at Ditoes. Birth 14th. first Born.  
1 5
at mr Goodwins; am So much overcome with my illness & falague, I am but just able to walk the room. mrs Goodn is very unwell. at Goodns
2 6
Clear. I am at mr Goodins. feel very unwell yet. mrs Cox Sleeps there at Dittoes.  
3 7
Cloudy, raind at Evn. mrs Goodn was more unwell. we Sent for mrss Bullin & Cox. they & I Slept to gether ys night. at Dittoes.  
4 C
Birth. Andw Goodwins Son. X
Cloudy. mrs Goodin Calld her women & was Safe Delivrd of a fine Son at 12 O Clok & is Cleverly. I watch with her & feel much better than I have Done. at Dittoes. Birth 15. my Son Jonahas Seen 27 years ys Day.  
5 2
a little rain. I left mrs Goodwin & Child Cleverly. Calld to See mrs Cragg. Shee is not So well as I Could wish. arivd at home at ye 10 h morn, find Foster is returnd. I went to mr Craggs, administred a Clister of milk,water & Salt, applyd ointmint & a Bath of Tansey, mugwort, Cammomile & Hysop, which gave mrs Cragg great relief. Calld at mr Savages, gave Nancy a Dose of Salt & water which Causd her to puke. Shee threw up two worms and seemd Easier & I Came home. at Ditoes & mr Craggs. receivd 6/ & 1 yd of gaus of Goodin. at mr Craggs & Savages. Capt Sewall, Carr & Goodin Chose into the ofis of Select men.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.