Martha Ballard's Diary, September 9 - 13, 1789

9 4
Clear. the Girls finisht Breaking Cyruss wool for ye warp & went to mr Childss. mr Hains Learned been here ys day. mrs Chambn & Sally Bolton here. Luke Barton Sleeps here. I have been at home.  
10 5
Birth. mrs Pinkams Dagt.
Clear. I was Calld to See Capt Pinkams wife, Shee was at mr Wades. I left home at ye 12 hour, walkt under Shore, had a faint turn after I arivd there. my patient was Delivd of a Dagt at ye 9thh Evn. it was dead Born. I tarried ys night. I was at mr Wades. a Shower at Evn.  
11 6
Birth Saml Churches Child, a Son.
Clear. I lefe mrs Pinkam at ye 8th h morn, Came to mr Hodges. from there to Capt Porters. Left medisin for his Son, price 1/. wint from thence [to] mr Westons, he & mrs Betsy just returnd from the West wd. from there to go to Saml Churches wife in travil. met a mesage which informs Shee is Safe Delivd by mrs Ingerams asistance & they did not wish me to proseed. I returnd, Crost ye river at ye ferry & walkt home. I finisht footing a pair of Stockins for mr Ballard. at mr Wades, Hodges, Porters, Westons & Pollards. 
12 7
Clear morn, Cloudy aftn. mr Flagg informs mr Ballard was well yester dy. I have been mending Stockins. the wido Norcross been here. Polly Savage Bakt here. at home.  
13 D
Cloudy & Some rain. I have been at home. Polly Savage here, we Dind on green Pees & Shell Beens & Corn. at home.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.