Some Showers. I have been at home. Dolly Spoold & warpt 38-1/2
yds. Polly Wall went home aftn. mr Wall
& Robbins tend ye mills ys night.
Clear, Except a Shower. mr Ballard & I went to See George Browns Son georg, his right thigh is much Swild. he has been Confind five weaks. Polly Wall Came here again ys Evning.
I was at Georg Browns.
Clear & Cool. I was Calld to See mrs Rheed. Shee has been unwell this 5 weaks, Exercised with flying pains. I Calld to See mrs Hamlin, Shee is unwell with a Coald. mr True Cut his foot. Dolly & Polly washt & Brued.
I was at mrs Rheeds & Hamlins.
Clear & very Coole. Dolly went away ys morn to See her Sister Town. John Coutch Brot me 3 lb of wool which Satisfies me for attending his wife at her geting to Bed ye 6th of Feby Last. ye hefer Calvd.
I was at home. mrs [Brown] & Savage here.
Clear. I have been at home. mrs Tarp, True & his wife, Polly
Savage & Hannah wall here.
I was at home.
Clear. Dolly returnd from Son Towns, informs me her Sister had her left foot opend last monday. Shee is unable to help her Self as yet. Sherebiah Came home with her.
I have been at home. Dolly returnd.
Clear & very warm. old mrs Bolton here. Ephm was
wounded on his heel by a Stone thrown by Nabby Andrs
when he was after the Cows.
I was at home.