Martha Ballard's Diary, April 24, 1789

24 6
Birth of Ebenz Hewins Dagt, receivd 8/.
A Severe Storm of rain. I was Calld at 1 h pm from mrs Husseys by Ebenz Hewen. Crosst the river in their Boat, a great Sea A going. we got Safe over, then Sott out for mr Hewens. I Crost a Stream on the way on fleeting Loggs & got Safe over. wonderful is the Goodness of providence. I then proseeded on my journey. went beyond mr Hainses & a Larg tree blew up by the roots before me which Caused my hors to Spring back, & my life was Spared. great & marvilous are thy spareing mercies O God. I was assisted over the fallen tree by mr Hains. went on, Soon Came to a Stream, the Bridg was gone. mr Hewin took the rains, waided thro & led the hors asisted by the Same allmighty power. I got Safe thro & arivd unhurt. mrs Hewin Safe Delivd at 10h Evng of a Dagt. went from mrs Husseys to mr Hewens. my Cloak was burnt while there so that it is not wareable.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.