Martha Ballard's Diary, August 10 - 17, 1786

10 5
Mr Ballard mowd on ye Entervail. Polly Taylor & Dolly finisht pulling our flax. mrs [Wilms] here. mrs Densmore went home.   
11 6
I went to mr Porters. Bot 2 oz. Indigo, 2 Green Colrd Bowls, 1 Tunnill, 1 Dipper, 1 Pepper Box, 2 Tumblers & 3 yd Tape, paid with an order from Isaac Cowen. Jono has Changd ye mare for a hors. Hannh receivd a Line from Daftr Town, her fammely all well.   
12 7
I was at home, did housel work. ye girls finisht yr gouns, ye men repairing ye Corn mill. Cyrus Bot 15 lb of Butter of Abrm Page.   
13 A
A Clear day. Hannah & Dolly wore yr New gouns. I stayd at home. Patty Towns birthday, Shee is three years of age.   
14 2
I was Calld to See Capt Savages wife who is Sick of a feaver. Shee took phisick, was very Sick after ye operation. I watcht with her this Night.   
15 3
I have been at Capt Savages till afternn. Shee took phisick, Seemd Releavd. I Calld at mr Thomass, Betsy unwell, a pain in her head. Hannah Savage a pain in ye Stomac. Mr Ballard gone on the Estate of Pitts. I hear yt Rhuben Moores Eldist son is Deceast Last Sabbath Day.   
16 4
I have been at home, Carded Some Cottne. ye Girls went to mr Porters. Polly, Sally & Betsy Chever Came home wt them.   
17 5
I was Calld to See mrs Savage, find her Some more Comfortable, & Betsy Thomas Shee is very unwell. Polly Adams here.   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.