Martha Ballard's Diary, February 25 - March 2, 1786

25 7
Clear & Cold. I have been at home ys Day. mr Ballard returnd from Br Moors. we had a Barril of fish & Cag of molasis brought home to day.   
26 A
Birth. Epm Stevens Son X.
A Clear Day. I did not attend Devine Servis. Broth Moore was here. I was Calld by Ephm Stevens of winthrop about Sun Sett to his wife in travil. had two falls from the hors I Rode but receivd no hurt. arivd there about 8/O Clock. mrs Stevens was Safely Delivd at 11 of a fine Son, her third Child.   
27 2
I Returnd hom in a Sleigh. mrs Williams here, shee fainted & fell on ye floar. I was Enformd yt mr Smith was gone away & tis feard he Desins to Deprive him self of Life on acount of Polly Hamlins refuseing to wed with him.   
28 3
Clear. Mr Bullin & Cleark & Patty Bullin here & Dind. Hannah & Dolly went with Patty to Mr Crages. I went to Mr Densmors to see his wife who is unwell.   
1 4
This Day observd as a Day of fast & prayer in this Town on acount of Calling one to Settle in ye Minestry. Revd mr Emerson performd ye foren Exercise & Mr Moore ye aftern. I Calld to see mrs North after Meeting, Shee being unwell. mrs Pollard & mrs Cox there. Smith & Polly Hamlin are in all Conversation at present.   
2 5
I have been at home ys Day. it snowd. Mr Densmore Came for a Cyrrup I maid for his wife. Mr Ballard been at mr Pollards with thee other Select Gentm.   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.