Land deeds of Rev. Foster
Lincoln County Courthouse
August 2, 1790
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 Grantee Index D-G     Oct 15, 1788 Page 139 (back)   Oct 15, 1788 Page 140 


October 15, 1788 Page 139 (back)


any thing before written to the contrary notwithstanding, than if the said James Doc his heirs Executors or administrators or any of them do well & truly pay or cause to be paid a Bond bearing even date with these presents for two hundred and eighty pound lawfull Money conditioned to pay the said Flint Barton his heirs Executors or Administrators the sum of one hundred and forty Pounds lawfull money on or before the sixteenth Day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine without fraud coven or further delay, according to the true intent and meaning of said Bond, then the above bargain and sale to be void and of none Effect, otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue. In witness whereof I the said James Doe have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth Day of August Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty six James Doe and a seal. Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Step.n Barton Solomon Partner, Lincoln Ss Jany 1787 Then the above named James Doe Subscriber to the above Instrument and acknowledged it to be his free act and Deed before me Ezekiel Pattec Justice of Peace~~~~

Recd. July 9. 1788 and entered and examined

by Thos.Rice Regr.

Ephm. Cowen
Isaac Foster

Know all Men by these Presents that I Ephraim Cowen of Hallowell in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Yeoman in consideration of the Sum of two hundred Pounds lawful Money paid by Isaac Foster of Hallowell aforesaid clerk, the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant sell and convey unto the said Isaac Foster his Heirs and Assigns a certain Tract of Land in Hallowell aforesaid bounded bounded [sic] as follows (Viz) beginning at the East End of the South Line of Lot No. five thence running West Northwest three hundred and twenty Poles to a Road thence Southerly
