Kennebec Purchase Records
October 12, 1768 - November 6, 1800
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for third Book of Grants folo 225, & 234, -- may more fullly Appear --
Voted that the Meeting be Adjourned to Wednesday next, being the Twenty fourth instant at five o Clock in the afternoon to meet at the Office of Henry Alline, in State Street Boston. --

  Present Colo Joseph North.
Mr James Thuring
Henry Alline, Profr Clerk

Boston June 24, 1789. The Proprietors met at time and place According to Adjournment - And

Voted That the meeting be Adjourned to the Dwelling House of the Honble James Bowdoin Esq. in Beacons Street Boston, to meet forthwith. --

  Present Colo Joseph North.
Mr James Thuring
Henry Alline, Profr Clerk

Boston June 24th 1789. The Proprietors met at time and place According to Adjournment

Whereas Colo Joseph North on the part of this Propriety and the Committee of the General Court for settling the Eastern Lands have agreed that. Mr Ephraim Ballard of Hollowell, Surveyor, should run the line or lines of the Kennebeck Purchase as the same have been mutually agreed by the Committee of the Genl Court & the Committee of this Propriety; which Agreement was dated & executed the Eighteenth of February last -- And it being necessary that some Person should be Appointed to Attend on said Business with said Surveyors, and to provide one half of whatever shall, be necessary be Compleat the same --

Col. Joseph North to be Agent. Therefore -- Voted that Colo Joseph North be and hereby is Appointed Agent in said Business, and to provide what shall be necessary as appointed, and as soon as the said Business shall be Completed to by before the Committee of this Propriety his Account of Expense attend-