Martha Ballard's Diary, December 29 - 31, 1808

[29] 5
Clear. I have been at home, Some Better. I Bakt mins Pies. Betsy Andrus Came in to See me. at home, Betsy Ands here.  
30 6
Snowd and is Cold. I have Bakt Mins and Apple Pies and made 11 DZn Candlewicks. Cyrus to ye Setteement yesterday, got _ lb Tea at Josiah Voces, 3[s]. mr Ballard workt at Son Jonas yesterday aftern and ys day. at home, made Candle wicks.  
31 7
Clear and Cold. I have made 11 Dozn Candles wd 10_ lb. this year is about Closeing, we Should do wel to Consider how we have Spent it and form resolutions to amend what has been amiss. let us look to the Author of all mercy for Strength to Conduct as becoms his dear Childn in future.   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.