Martha Ballard's Diary, December 11 - 16, 1808

11 1
Snowd. mr Ballard to meeting. Revd mr Stone Discoarst fm Luke 9th C 55 & 56 Verss. I hear that Son Ephms wife has a Sore on her Legg & very Lame. at home, Cyrus Staid at home.  
12 2
Clear. mr Ballard went to Capt OZgoods, tarried all night. I have done hs wk & knit 25 purls. at home.  
13 3
Clear & Cold. mr Ballard Came home at 12 O clock. I have washt & done my hous wk & knit Some. at home, washt.  
14 4
Snowd. mr Ballard went to mr Pepers to make a Settllement with James Bolton, the afair was left to a [rule], he owd mr Ballard 38 Dols and [ ] Cents for which he took a note for 3 months. mr Bald Slays at Son Lambds. at home, knit on a Legn & ironed.Funeral of Nathn [Haywoods] wife.  
15 5
Snowd Some. mr Ballard Came home. I have knit Some and done other mallers. mr Bald has bot a Chees wd 12 lb, 4_ lb pork, 2 Do Buller, 2 of Sugar, _ do Tea & 2 oZ Snuff ys weak, & 2 qts Spirit. at home.  
16 6
Clear the most of ye day. I have Bakt Bn & flower bread and finisht mr Ballards Leggins. am informd that Nathan Haywoods wife was dead, her remains were interd on Wedensday last.   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.