Martha Ballard's Diary, April 12 - 16, 1807

12 1
Clear. mr Ballard and Cyrus to meeting. I have had ye Collic all day and night. Sally Pierce Came and Stayed with me all night. I got Some Easier. Hannah here part of ye day. at home, Sick with the Collic.  
13 2
Clear. I have been very feeble. mrs Gilbard Came in to See me, got Dinner. Hannah got Breakfast and did up my work foren. Ephm & Willm Sleep here. A mr Child here for ointment for A mrs Winslow. at home, very unwel. mrs Gilbard to See me.  
14 3
Clear. I have been feeble ys day but Some Easier. mrs Parker Came here, helpt me get Dinner. mrs Wiman here to Tea, made my Bed and assisted me other ways. Hannah got Breakfast. Ephm been to mill, had _ Bushl rie, Do of indien, ground for us. at home, feel Some better for which I Desire to bless the author of all Mercies.  
15 4
Clear. I have been So well that I have boild my Soap grees and done my other work about hous. how wonderful is ye goodness of God to me. my husband Complains of feeling unwel. I gave him Some Rheubarb at Evng. Sally Pierce has been here ys Evng. at home, feel much Better than I have Since Saterday.  
16 5
Clear part of ye day. I have been [a ] [doing] my Baking and hous work and other matters. mrss Smith took Tea here. Shee informd me yt Rachels babe had a Soar [mouth]. Le faett & Ephm [  ] Sleep here. inform yt Saml Parker attented to hang him Self. at [home], mrs Smith here.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.