Martha Ballard's Diary, August 3 - 7, 1806

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Clear part of ye day. mr Ballard and Son Cyrus to meeting. Son Ephm here and Conducted Patty Town to Son Pollards. Allin Lambd, Ephm & Wm Ballard Sleep here. I have felt very unwel but have had my work to do. at home. Revd mr Stone discoarst from Colotions 3rd C 12 & 13 V.  
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Clear. mr Ballard went to mr Cumings mill bot 1 busl Corn, 2/1 Do rie. he began to hill his Corn. Allin Lambd Sett out for home. Sally Cleark & Rhoda Pollard Came here aftern. I have felt very feeble all day. at home. Sally Cleark & Rhoda P. Came here.  
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Clear. I have done my hous work with ye help of Rhoda. Sally been mending Shirts. there was a Sommons left for my Husband by an oficer I did not know. Shubald Pitts Plantive. I Could wish he had remembered the kindness my husband and my Self Shew to his former wife. O the Evngs I walkt from ye. Howard farn when I did not know whether a Stump was a person or not, God only knows. at home. my husband Sued by J. Heartwel.  
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Clear ye most of ye Day. I have taken down my Bed Stead and Cleand it of Buggs. Scalt my room, put ye Bed up again and done other Matters. Rhoda [ ] helpt me. [Sally] been mending Cloaths. mr Wiman took Breakfast here and Butchered a Lamb. Son Jona had 2 quarters, wd 10 lb. at home. Sally & Rhoda to work for me. Son Jona went to Jail ys Day.  
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Clear and warm. mr Ballard went to P. Voces and got Lyning for his Blue Coat, Sally is turning it. Wido Butterfield and her Dagt Cleark here, took Tea. Sally & Rhoda went to Son Jonas at Evng. at home, had Compy. Churnd [3] lb Butter.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.