Martha Ballard's Diary, May 5 - 10, 1806

5 2
Clear. mr Ballard to Town meeting. Capt Joshua Gage was Chosen to Represent ys Town at Genl Coart for ye present year. I have been makeing Soap. removd Banking fron ye South End of ye hous and South of ye west door. Set part of my Cabbage Slumps &C. Churnd 2 lb _ Buller. at home, Set Cabage Stumps. Elijah left here after Dinner.  
6 3
Clear. I have finisht makeing my soap, have a Barril full. finisht Seting Cabbage Slumps and Beets &C. at home.  
7 4
Cloudy & some rain. I remove Banking from ye west door round to ye East door and did other matters. mrs Purington here aftern, took Tea with us. at home.  
8 5
Clear morn, Cloudy afler wards, raind before night & at Evng. I have done my work in ye hous. Cleand the hogg pen, Sett Some English Goos bery Bushes west side the house. mrs Nason here forenn, mrs Heartwel aftern for Cammomile. I let her have Some. at home, workt very hard out doors & in.  
9 6
X. Birth Benn Chases Daugt. XX.
rainy part of ye day. I removd a plumb tree from my gardin and Sett it in ye Corn field. Sett Curent Shoots and did Some washing. was Calld at 4h 30m pm to go and See mrs Chace who was in Labour. Shee was Safe Deld about 6 of a Daugt. I left her and infant Cleverly and reacht home at 8h 30m Evng. was Conducted there and home by Capt Purington. at mr Chaces. Birth 1st for this year. Decr 17nth receivd 9/ by Chaces work.  
10 7
Clear Part of ye day & very Cold. mrss Farewel Came and took Breakfast and Dind with us. Shee Came here last Evng and returnd to Son Jon as as Shee found I was not at home. I am informd that Jon a Ballard Junr is unwell. I have finisht my washing and made a Chees. at home.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.