Martha Ballard's Diary, April 20 - 25, 1802

20 3
Clear. I have been at home helping Clean my hous and racking and piking Chips & Sorting Potatoes. I am so Fatagued I did not Sett up the aftern. mrs H. Pierc Dind with me. at home.  
21 4
Clear part of ye day and more moderate. I have done part of my hous work, Sorted Potatoes, Cleard my Seller of 3 pails ful of dirt, Sett 30 Cabbage Stumps and removd part of the banking from the hous. Dagt Ballard & 3 of her Childn & Sally Farewell took Tea here. Son Pollard Calld, his Famely are well. I have had a pain in my Stomach. at home. Dagt Ballard here.  
22 5
Clear. I have Sett French Turinps. mr Ballard returnd from mr Gardners. at home.  
23 6
Clear and cold for the Season. I have removd banking East Side ye house. Son Pollard, Dagts Ballard and Lambard Dind here. Polly and Sally Farewell Spent the aftern & took Tea with us. I receivd a Letter from Sist Waters of march ye 1st, our Connections are well at the westwd. at home, had Compy. recd a Letter from Sister waters of March 1st
24 7
Clear and more pleast. I have Done my hous work & removd dirt, or banking, from the hous, feel Some fatagued. Dolly has been unwell, her Bror John here aftern. at home. Lucy Town Expired ys aftern.  
25 1
Clear. mr Ballard to meeting. Sons Lambd, Jona & Ephm to Son Pollards. Capt Stackpool Came down to inform us of the death of Lucy Town, may God pleas to Sanctify the dispensation to us all, and may we hear the Call, be ye allso ready. at home. was informd of ye death of Lucy Town.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.