Martha Ballard's Diary, December 30 - 31, 1801

30 4
Clear and very Pleast for Decembr. I have been at home, been able to knit Some, finisht futing a pair of hoes for Son Ephm. mr Ballards hand is better. Old Lady Butler and mrs Farewell Calld to See us. Ephm been to work at Jonas new hous. Cyrus after Corn and to mill. Patty Bakt. at home. mrs Butler & Farewell here. Some Snow this night.  
31 5
raind part of the day. I have been at home, mended Some hoes. mr Ballards hand is Some better. Pally washt the floors, Eph & Saml workt on Jonas hous, Cyrus went to Son Lambds. at home. augusta may 6th 1802 Dolly Kimbal Detr to Cash s d 1 Crown 6/7 1 Dolr 6/ 1/4 do 1/6 14:1 may 22 to Cash 4 Dols 1: 4: 1:18:1 to Cash 1/2_ : 1:2_ June 4 Credt by 9 weaks 5 days 1:19:3_ @ 4s/ pr weak.   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.