Martha Ballard's Diary, June 19 - 24, 1801

19 6
Clear. I have been helping Clean my hous. mr Merrick here, Sary Mott allso. mr Ballard put up 2 Shelves in ye Buttery. Lucy Shaw left here after breakfast. at home. mr Soal here with a request yt I wd be at home.  
20 7
Clear and warmer. I Planted 10 Cucumber Seeds and went to the Stores aftern. was at Bror Bartons, mr Densmores, Burtuns, Dickmans & Betts Stores; then at mr Pittss & Soals [&] Hamlins. Flint Barton & wife Came home with me. at the Sittlement. I planted Cucumbers.  
21 1
Clear and the longest day of ye year. I have again had the happyness to wait on God in his hous, and been Entertained with two agreable discoarses Deld by mr Parker from Dresden. mr Ballard and I spent intermition at Brother Bartons. Son & Dagt Ballard, with 5 of yr Childn, took Supper with us, Our Nephew EbenZ Moore allso. at meeting. mr Parker Performd.  
22 2
Cloudy foren, Clear aftern. the wife of mr Robd Fletcher and two of her Daugts, Dagt Ballard, 2 of Childn, her Sist Hitty & Sally Farewell took Tea here. mr Ballard been to See mr Robinsons hous raised. I workt in my gardin part of ye Day. I made a Chees. at home, had Compy. Capt Robensons hous was raised.  
23 3
Clear. I have been washing my wool and weading gardin and Sett 50 Cabbage plants. at home, Sett Cabages.  
24 4
X. Birth mr Soals 2 Dagts. XX.
Cloudy foren, raind before night. I was Calld to see mrs Soal at 7h morn, Shee was Deld of a Daugl at 11h 10m, and 5m after of another daugt. Shee and infts likely to do well. I relurnd at 4h am. at mr Soals. Birth 13th 14th.recd 12/ as a reward.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.