Martha Ballard's Diary, September 5 - 13, 1800

5 6
Clear. mr Ballard Laying out a road East Side the river. I have been much fatagued with the Swine. was Calld at the 7th hour to go and See Nabby Andrus, who was very Sick. I tarried all night, her aunts Pain and Springer, and her dagt Nabby tarried all night. there were many people Calld to See the Patient. Shee gave them all good Admonition, took her leav of them Expecting to Expire Soon. at mr Andreuss. Nabby very Sick indead.  
6 7
Clear and warm. I have been at mr Andss, his Dagt very much Distressed in both Boddy and mind. very many people Calld to See her. Doct Grisswill, Deacon Briggs and mr Asa Williams all prayed with her. I tarried and Sett up with her all night. at Ditoes, his dagt is no Better. I watcht, mrs Woodwd allso.  
7 1
Clear. I Came home. Slept some and Came home. Slept Some, returnd again at Evn. Sett with the patient this night, mrss Woodward and Olliv Fletcher with me. Shee, Oh how Distresst a being Shee is. may God be Pleased to Shine on her Soall by the influence of his holy Spirrit and giv her Comphort before Shee goes hence, to be here no more. at Ditoes, watcht again. Hannah Ballard is not So well as she was.  
8 2
Clear. I Came home this morn. left the Patient a little Easier than Shee has been, but is very Sick indead. I have been takeing Care of gardin matters. at Ditoes. Hannah Ballard here part of ye day.  
9 3
X. Birth James Kenneys 3d Dagt. XX.
Clear. I have been at Hallowell, left home at 4h morn, put the wife of James Kinney to bed; her 3d Dagt and 5th Child, left them Comfortable. I Calld to See Nabby Ands, find her very Low. arivd at home at noone. at Ditoes & at mr James Kenneys. Birth 20th. recd 9/ at Moodys Store.  
10 4
Clear. I was at mr Andruss, Nabby is no better. at mr Andruss
11 5
Clear. at Ditoes, they are a Distresst famely. I left them at 10h Evn. at Ditoes.  
12 6
Clear and warm. I Cutt my Sage and went to mr Andruss, we thought Nabby Expireing. at Ditoes.  
13 7
Cloudy. I have been at Ditoes & Brownens. Came home and wrote to Bror Jona. wend again. mrs Mott & Williams Sett up. at Ditoes all night. I wrote Brr Jona  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.