Martha Ballard's Diary, May 24 - 29, 1798

24 5
Clear. mr Ballard went to Varsalboro to Survey for mr Webber. he and Watson washt our Sheep before he Set out. Watson went to work for my Son . Dagt Pollard and Jon as wife & Jack Came here aftern. Dagt Ballard and Jack & Ephm tarried all night. mrss Livermore here foren. I have had a Sick aftern. at home. mr Ballard gone to Varsalboro. my Dagts Pollard & Ballard here, mrss Livermore allso.  
25 6
Cloudy, raind before night. I have felt more Comfortable. Son Jon as wife here all day, did my work. my Son took Breakfst & Diner with me. Watson workt for him, informs when he Came home that Le faett Scolt his foot this morn. Jona went home but it raind So that his wife and Childn tarry all night. at home. Dagt Ballard here this day and night. a 2nd Duck began to Sett.  
26 7
Clear morn, Cloudy aftern and Cool, a Clear Evng. Watson workt at Son Jonas, he Came home before night and Conducted my Dagt and Child home. Jack tarries. I have been not so well ys day but Dagt Ballard has Done my work. at home. Dagt Balld went home. I had 7 young Ducks hacht under a hen.  
27 G
Clear and a Chilly S W wind. I felt not able to attend worship foren. I wrode behind Son Cyrus and returnd with mr Ballard. I was informd that the remains of Elijah Ingerham were interd this day. at meeting aftern. Funeral of mr Ingerhamss Son.  
28 2
Cloudy foren, rain aftern. we had a fat Calf killd. it wd [81] lb. Dagt Lambard Came and helpt me do my work. the wido Smith Came here, they both tarry all night. at home. Dagt Lambard here, mrs Smith allso.  
29 3
a very rainy day. Dagt Lambd went home aftern. mrs Smith tarries. I have been mending Stockins, feel but feable. at home.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.