Martha Ballard's Diary, June 15 - 19, 1796

15 4
Birth Abial Heringtons 3d Dagt.
Clear. I have workt very hard till after Six pm whin I was Calld in hast to go to See the wife of Abiah Herinton who was in Labour, and was Deld at 7h 30m by the help of mrs Smith. I found her and her infant Dagt Cleverly on my arival. I tarried all night, there were 22 in number Slept under that roof ys night. at mr Braleys. Birth 30th.  
16 5
Clear morn, Some rain aftern. I returnd from mr Braleys. I Calld to See the wido Jones, Shee is not very well; at mr John Joness, Ruthe Lee is very unwell. I Calld to See mrs rice, Shee is unwell. Dind at Son Pollards. Calld at Lambarts. Came home, Skimd my milk and was Calld Directly to See mrs Rice who is in Labour, her women were Calld but Shee had an unnatural travel. at mr Bralys and other friends.  
17 6
X. Birth John Rices Dagt. XX.
rainy morn. mrs Rice was Deld at 9h 30m, mrs Rice was Dild of a fine Dagt, her third Child. I returnd home at 2, mr Lambart with me. he Butchered a Swine for us. I Sett up very late to Do the work which is necessary and do feel very much fatagud. at mr Rices. Birth 31st. fee receivd.  
18 7
Clear and warm. Son Lambart Came and Cutt my pork and I Salted it. I feel very unwell but have worried thro Doing my work. mrssmc Master & her Dagt Bell Calld here. Cyrus had of Saml Cony 1 galn Molases and 1/2 galn W. I. rhum, price of both was 9/. we have it on mr Gills acount. at home. mrs mc Masters & Bell here.  
19 B
Clear. Son & Dagt Lambart, Eph, Jessy Bullin & Sally Cocks Dind here. I have not been So well as I Could wish. we Dind on Roast Spairib. at home. my Childn, Some of them here. Jona here at Evn.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.