Martha Ballard's Diary, April 23 - 26, 1795

23 5
Clear. I have been very unwell all Day, feel better at Evng. Ephm went to the hook mill, brot home 1 bushl wheat, 1_ of indien meel, one of which he purChast at the mill, paid 6/. at home unwell. Sally Hamlin here.  
24 6
Clear. I am more Comfortable. mr Isaac Savage Seconds & wife here on a visit. mr John Abbot Calld me at 6h pm to See his wife who is unwell. I was there this night. Shee and I Slept Some. mr Town took Breakfast here. Dolly went to Son Pollards. mrss Cashin here foren. at mr Abbots. mr Savage and wife here, Son Town allso.  
25 7
X. Birth John Abbots Dagt. XX.
Cloudy and Some rain. mrs Abbot was very unwell all day, her women Calld at 1h pm and Shee was Deld at 3 of a Dagt, her first born. I went in at mr Blacks, his wife and mrss Smith Calld to See mrss Abbot. I went to See mrs Capin, returnd and took Care of my patients all night. at mr Abbots. Birth 19th. receivd 6/as a reward.  
26 D
X. Birth Capt John Moloys Dagt. XX.
rainy. I was Calld by Capt Molloy about Day, find his wife very unwell. Shee had Some women Calld at 10hM, and Some Came in at intermition. Shee was Deld at 1h pm of a Dagt, her Second Child, both dagts. I tarried till near night when I left mother and Child Cleverly, and returnd. find my famely well. mr Densmores and Livrmrs Dagts here at Evng. mrss Moloy was unwell all Last night alltho Shee Did not Call me till morn. at Ditoes and Capt Molloys. Birth 20th. receivd 18/ as A reward.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.