Martha Ballard's Diary, April 24 - 27, 1794

24 5
X. Birth Natn Burgss Son. XX.
Clear. mr Ballard went to Varsalboro. I was Calld to See the wife of Nathan Burges who was Safe Deld (tho very ill indeed) at 11h Evn of a fine Son. I tarried all night. my patients are as well as Can be Expected, her husband is at Sea, if living. at Nalhn Burgess. Birth 17th. a first Born. receivd 6/.  
25 6
Cloudy. I Came from mrs Burgess at 9h morn. mr Ballard has been to ye hook. Capt Bouland of unity & Reubin Fairfield Dind here. Dolly went to mr Bisbes. Sally & I workt Some in the Gardin. Jason Livermore Junr took Current Sprouts of our Land with out Leav. I Calld him back & he gave ym back. we Sett them & others out in ye Gardin. at Dittoes.  
26 7
X. Birth James Kenneys Dagt. XX.
rainy. Doct Williams Dind here. mr Ballard is gone to mr Thomass, a Law Seut there between mr Peter Parker & Colo Sewall. I was Calld at 2h Evn to See James Kenneys wife who was in Labour, & was Delivd at 11h of a Dagt; her husband was absent. I tarried all night, had no Sleep. at James Kenneys. Birth 18th
27 E
Clear & pleast morn. I left my Patients Cleverly at 9h morn & returnd home. I Do feel fatagud. Son Jona & his Son here. mr Ballard left home at 3h pm on a Tour of Surveying for this Commonwealth. may he be Preservd & returnd in Safety is the prayer of me, his Spouse. at Dittoes. mr Ballard Sett out for Sandy river.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.