Martha Ballard's Diary, January 20 - 25, 1792

20 6
X. Birth Phillip Norcross 1st Son. XX.
Clear but a very high wind. I was, I was [sic] Calld at 6h morn to go to Phillip Norcross wife in Labour, men Shoveld thro Drifts & we arivd at 7. I left mrs Bolton & inft Cleverly. mrs Norcs Deld at 1h 30m pm. of her 5th Child & first Son. I tarried all night, Slept a little. my Patients are Cleverly. mr NorCros was not at home. at Does & mr Norcross. Birth 5th.  
21 7
X. Birth mr Waids Son. XX.
Clear but very windy. Capt Fille Brown Came & Carried me from mr Norcross to his house. I tarried till 7h Evn when mr Waid Calld me to See his wife who was in Labour, & was Safe Deld of his first Son & 3d Child at the middle of the night. I tarried there all night, Sett up. I receivd 6/ of mr Waid. at Capt P Browns & mr Waids. Birth 6th.  
22 A
Clear, Calm & Cold. I returnd home from mr Waids at 10h morn, went on the Bed & Slept. mr Livermore here. Capt P Brown Came & Conducted me to his house, his Lady unwell. very Cold ys night. at mr Waids & Capt PhileBrowns.  
23 2
Clear & Excessive Cold. I was at ["Ditoes" - implied] mrs P Brown more Comfortable. Ditoes.  
24 3
Clear & very Cold. I tarried at the Capts till Evn then Came home. I went to mr Dumers & Bot 2yds Sarsnet, 1/2 lb Snuff, 4yd Lawn, a mustard & Sallt; all Cost 8/4d, paid ye Cash. I finisht mr Ballad Buskins & was Calld to mr Sewalls at 11h 30m. at Ditoes & mr Dumers, mr Ballad & Jona to meddow.  
25 4
X. Birth Moses Sewalls Dagt. XX.
Clear & very Cold. mrs Sewall was Safe Deld at 2h 15m morn of a Dagt, her 3d Child, & is as well as Could be Expected. I returnd home after we Dind. receivd 6/ Cash, 1/2lb Tea, 3 Skeins Cambk Thread as a Compensation. Lois Hinkley Calld here. at mr Moses Sewalls. Birth Ballard gone to mill. mr Searls here; Dind.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.