Martha Ballard's Diary, December 30 - 31, 1785

30 6
A Snow Storm & very Cold. I have been at home ys Day. mr French informd me of ye Death of mrs Stuart who Deceast ys morn. mr Hinkley & Lady went past here on yr way home. I finishd Ephes Stockins & fixt Cyruss footing.   
31 7
AClear, Cold Day. I was at home all day and mended mr Ballards Great Coat. we were Enformd of ye funeral of Mrs Stuart at ye Hook. Mr Williams Dind here, Says his wife is unwell. Children I have been Calld to ye Birth of thee year past: 28. Seventean of ym were Daughters. Novemr 14 Receivd of Danl Bolton in part, one Dollar for going to his wife Sundry times last sumer & Extracting a Dafter &C, &C. -:6:- I have Lost 42 nights Sleep ye year past.   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.